Payment Options
The Mending Shed accepts several methods of payment. We guarantee that every trasaction you make at The Mending Shed and will be 100% secure. We do NOT accept direct wire transfers or e-checks.
Credit Cards and Debit Cards:
We currently accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover Cards through the website, or by phone. You can safely enter your entire credit card or debit card via our secure website. We guarantee that every transaction you make with will be 100% secure.
PayPal: also accepts PayPal. A trusted leader in online payments, PayPal enables buyers and business to send and receive money online. PayPal has over 100 million member accounts in over 190 countries and regions. PayPal is free to use and 100% secure.

Unfortunately we can no longer accept money orders and personal checks. We will still accept business checks for local customers only.
As always, if you prefer to call us, or if you have any questions you can reach us at 800-339-9297.